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Message from our Founder, Jim Heisler: I’ve been in the insurance business since 1982. I founded Indemnity Excess & Surplus Agency, Inc. in 1992 after seeing a need for a customer focused, instead of sales focused wholesale brokerage firm. My primary responsibility is the administration of the Company. However, I love being a Broker, and I continue to maintain and underwrite a significant book of business. I feel the day-to-day risk placement and assessment keeps me sharp and attuned to the changing market, and the needs of our retail partners. I love what I do here at IES. I am inspired by people who strive for excellence. I want to be excellent in every area of my life whether it’s in my home as a husband and father, the board room, the golf course or my music studio. I believe our customers feel the same way. This is ultimately what makes us successful as people — not the amount of money we earn. Respect and dedication to our retail customers may sound like clichés. However, they are the core precepts of our company and the reason we are in business. These core values are the basis of every Monday morning staff meeting in our office. Our weekly roundtable dialogue centers on how we ultimately incorporate these core beliefs into our business model. It has been my honor to serve the retail insurance community in the Western United States since 1982. I’m looking forward to many more years of service. I truly appreciate each and every one of our retail partners, and the business they bring to IES.
Jim Heisler Founder of Indemnity Excess & Surplus Agency