Jim Heisler / Founder
Administrative Team
Title / Job Description: Founder
IES Start Date: September 14, 1992
Favorite part about working at IES: “Doing this insurance thing since 1982.”
Family Information: Married to Linda since 1981. Two children, Jamie and Tommy. Jamie is now the Executive Vice President and partner at IES. Tommy is a Portland Firefighter/Paramedic (as well as a former technician at IES).
Interesting Fact about yourself: I’ve attended all four major golf championships as well as two Ryder Cup matches. Also, as an 8-year-old, I battled several hundred other children and made my way to the front of the line to shake hands with John Wayne (my boyhood idol).
Hobbies / Favorite Activities: Golf, reading, and travel with Linda.
Favorite Book: Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley. My father was a WWII Marine Corp veteran and fought on Iwo Jima along with several thousand brave Marines and Navy sailors.
Dream Golf Foursome: Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Arnold Palmer and me (all players would have to be in their prime, though – including me!).
Contact Jim
Phone: 503-526-9700 or 800-487-2442
Extension: 118
Fax: 503-626-2260