Abby Daley/New Business Specialist
New Business & Renewal / Service TeamTitle / Job Description: New Business Specialist/shoulder to cry on. Feel free to call me any time. I’m here for you.
IES Start Date: 08/31/2014
Favorite part about working at IES: Being part of an incredible team of people. We have amazing company values and everyone here embodies them. This is also a fantastic group to drink whiskey with.
Family Information: My husband and I have been together for 16 years. We have a super cool son named Ethan. He thinks he’s a dinosaur and will be starting Kindergarten this year. I can’t believe how fast the time goes.
Interesting Fact about yourself: I was raised on a sailboat and I was mostly homeschooled.
Hobbies / Favorite Activities: I love reading. Kaiti Hancock and I also spend a significant amount of time watching and discussing scary movies.
Favorite Book: The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Some people think it’s a really depressing take on humanity, but I see it as exactly the opposite.
Dream Golf Foursome / Dinner Party: Let’s be honest, I’m totally inept at golf. So my dinner party would include My best friends, lots of wine, Merry and Pippin, Guillermo Del Toro, Clive Barker, Jordan Peele, Lady Gaga, my dad, and maybe Cher.
Contact Abby
Phone: 503-526-9700 or 800-487-2442
Extension: 106
Fax: 503-626-2260